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We are Still Accepting Orders For Delivery On Mon 17 Feb 2025

I had to send flowers on short notice for a wedding reception and since I live in France i had to rely solely on ratings on the Internet. You have been punctual, the flowers were timely delivered. I was gratified for having trusted you. Thank you for your efficiency and reliability. 


product79 Price :Rs 736
(US $ 11)

Nothing shouts of love more than red roses. The most careful and loving hands in our studio put this bunch of 12 red roses together. 12 roses surrounded by green leaves and fillers are beautifully decorated with fancy wrapping and held together with a red satin bow. It looks as beautiful as the feeling of love is. Easy to hold and to carry, this one lights up everyone's world.

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I had to send flowers on short notice for a wedding reception and since I live in France i had to rely solely on ratings on the Internet. You have been punctual, the flowers were timely delivered. I was gratified for having trusted you. Thank you for your efficiency and reliability.  


* All our customers are requested to note that the "Time chosen above is treated as a preference/request and is not a fixed time for delivery". We only guarantee delivery on a "Specified Date" and not within a specified "Time Frame".

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